First off pick yourself up some silicone ice trays - silcone made it super easy to pop out the candies without damaging them. Hubby's brothers had LEGO brick ice trays and LEGO minifig ice trays from the LEGO store... I have some LEGO ice popsicle trays, DC Batman ice cube tray and even a Doctor Who telephone booth ice tray I can't wait to try out!
Tip #1 for clear unbubbley looking gummies:

-OR if you're lazy/efficient, wait 10 min for the candy solution to cool and you can pick off the top layer of bubbley "skin" with a ladle or spoon
Tip #2 - you can use any type of Jello or Jello-alternative brands of the wobbely fun gelatin out there. Hubby's brothers used Jello Lemon (yellow), Robertson's Lychee (Clear), and Jello Orange as they had it kicking around in the house.
Tip #3 - Handle with clean hands or gloves as we've found even when kept in an air tight container, they only lasted about 3-4d at room temperature before they started to grow fuzzy patches of mold on them.
And the awesome video from thekingofrandom.com!

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